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Writer's pictureSanni

Breaking Free From Autopilot: Escaping Digital Distractions

Updated: Jul 9

Becoming Mindful: Examining Our Habits with Awareness

Our day is made up to a large part of habits - automatic, or conscious. I used to have a habit of reaching for my phone first thing in the morning to check for any important messages, only to find myself scrolling mindlessly for sometimes half an hour till I had to rush to get to work! I don’t remember the exact moment when I realised that this habit wasn't benefiting me, prompting me to make a conscious effort to change it. It was like coming out of a hypnosis! I’m not gonna lie - it took me a good few attempts and a few failures. When I had become aware of the habit of reaching for my phone as soon as the alarm went off, I made a conscious effort to not to check social media only to find myself thinking about it and fighting the temptation - and occasionally giving in. So I needed another plan. I started leaving my phone outside the room and purchased an alarm clock so I wouldn’t have to use my phone as an alarm in the morning. This small adjustment helped me break the cycle of reaching for my phone first thing in the morning and diving into social media distractions. Instead, I began my day with a sense of purpose, focusing on activities that nourished my mind and body without the constant digital interruptions.

A picture representing mindfulness and the journey of habit transformation discussed in the blog post

Why Habits Matter: The Significance of Daily Routines

Us human, we thrive on routines and patterns as they provide us predictability and stability. Without habits, our mind would soon be overwhelmed with every decision we ever make from brushing our teeth to more complex decisions like what to eat for breakfast. The truth is, that habits ultimately determine the quality of our lives.

They can either work for our favor or they can drag us down into a spiral of negativity. The first step in creating a new habit is to become aware of it! As mentioned before, a lot of what we do happens on autopilot without much thought put into it! For example, you may identify yourself as “not a morning person” but maybe it's not about being a "morning person" at all. It could be those late-night binge-watching sessions or endless scrolling on your phone draining your energy for the next day. You might not realise it, but those habits mess with your sleep, leaving you feeling like a zombie come morning. Creating new habits is not easy, but every time we repeat an action, we strengthen your habit and ultimately your identity.

 A person sitting in meditation posture, surrounded by serene nature, representing mindfulness and the journey of habit transformation discussed in the blog post.

Embracing Change: Your Journey to self-discovery

So, as you embark on your journey of self-discovery and habit transformation, remember this: every small step you take towards positive change is a victory. You have the power to shape your habits, your life, and ultimately, your identity. It won't be easy, but with each conscious decision, you're building the life you deserve—one filled with energy, purpose, and joy. You're not alone on this path; there's a community of support cheering you on every step of the way. Together, we can break free from the autopilot of our old habits and embrace a future filled with endless possibilities.

Feel like sharing your goals and dreams? You can book a free 30-minute online wellness consultation with me, where we will explore your situation and goals together. Simply message me, and let's chat!

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